Finn Borath (Amsterdam, 1998) is a performance- and video artist based in Amsterdam. His work has been shown at Parktheater Eindhoven, Museumnacht Maastricht, Oerol festival, Over het IJ festival, Podium Likeminds and Zaal 3 Den Haag.
In his performance work he tries to find ways to ‘edit’ reality as if it where film, with light and sound as his greatest ally, he ‘cuts’ in time. Working with big concepts in philosophy and physics like death and infinity he builds tight performance works that through their ‘coolness’ reveal a deep emotional and personal layer. Using technology he plays with the sense’s of the audience, by switching from a lot of input to silence he tries to manipulate the experience. This makes his very visual work sometimes feel like a magic show with layers abstractions.
After graduating from the Institute of Performative Arts Maastricht (Toneelacademie Maastricht) he mostly worked as a solo artist produced by Stichting Likeminds, Feikes Huis, Oerol & Over het IJ. Besides his solo work he has ongoing collaboration with Boris de Klerk.
Portrait: Ies Kaczmarek